
Welcome to The Artistic Collaborative, a collection of stories from those wanting to be heard. As well as myself, Serginio, a 20 something year old media guy still finding my feet in the industry, this is a platform for others not only to tell us about their experiences, their stories, but also showcase their creativity and talent.

This is a celebration of the diversity and beauty in our world. We focus particularly on stories and experiences within arts, culture, and travel. As this blog grows, we will have special features from trailblazers within their societies, who have opened doors and changed our perspectives on certain aspects of our lives or others.

We welcome the input and insights of our readers and followers; we are a community of creatives that learns, grows, and develops through the power of collaboration.


Emma Campbell recording her verse on Jake Chown's awesome song, with the assistant of Matt Kibble

© The Artistic Collaborative

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